• Since 2017 Italian UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy


  • Since 2019 Italian UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy

  • Since 2015 Italian UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy

Alba, Bergamo, Parma

The three Italian UNESCO Creative Cities of Gastronomy

The Alba Merchants Association, Confcommercio Bergamo and Ascom Confcommercio Parma, representatives of Confcommercio Enterprises for Italy, have signed a “Memorandum of Understanding within the framework of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network for Gastronomy.” Previously, a similar document was signed among the administrations of the three Italian cities.

The objective is to create an ecosystem capable of coordinating living, visiting, and doing business, promoting and enhancing not only their own gastronomic excellences and the enterprises and services connected to them, but also the variety of landscapes, cultural richness, historical heritage, and the countless tourist attractions of the territories.

The project’s objective is to create a genuine, unique, and attractive enogastronomic destination, capable of spreading the culture of the products that have received recognition and offering the possibility to visit the production sites. It is, in fact, a tour of discovery of the culinary and wine-making excellences of the three Creative Cities that starts from Bergamo, passes through Alba, and reaches Parma.

The three cities have also identified an enogastronomic or cultural event closely representative of the hosting territory, in which they participate together by organizing themed events such as show cooking experiences, guided tastings, cooking classes, press conferences and expert conventions.

Mappa penisola italiana


Alba welcomes visitors with Langhe landscapes, discovering the hills where Barolo was born. After visiting the city’s medieval towers, Art Nouveau palaces and Romanesque churches, we set off on an exploration of the woods, in search of WhiteTruffles, to be tasted in the silence of nature.


Bergamo offers the wonders of the medieval hidden gems of Città Alta, from which we depart towards the valleys. In Val Brembana, you can experience the vintage atmosphere of the Casino and the Grand Hotel in San Pellegrino Terme and taste the PDO cheeses from the area. The Val Seriana offers the chance to visit the production sites of another excellence, Moscato di Scanzo.


Parma opens its doors with an ancient cellar for the maturing of Culatello di Zibello. Then it is the turn of Parmigiano Reggiano, whose secrets are revealed on a guided tour of a cheese factory. Prosciutto di Parma is the appetiser on a visit to Torrechiara Castle and a wine cellar where Colli di Parma wines are produced.
The trip ends with the city’s architectural and artistic masterpieces.

Three cities, three territories,
infinite flavours.

Tour at the discovery of culinary and wine excellences of Italy through the Unesco Creative Cities of Gastronomy, historic towns and relaxing landscapes.

Three cities, three territories, infinite flavours.

Tour at the discovery of culinary and wine excellences of Italy through the Unesco Creative Cities of Gastronomy, historic towns and relaxing landscapes.