1) Introduction

ASCOM BERGAMO CONFCOMMERCIO takes your privacy seriously and is committed to respecting it. This privacy policy (‘Privacy Policy’) describes the personal data processing activities carried out by ASCOM BERGAMO CONFCOMMERCIO via the website www.cittacreativeperlagastronomia.it as well as the relevant commitments undertaken by the Company in this respect. ASCOM BERGAMO CONFCOMMERCIO may process the user’s personal data when the user visits the Site and uses Site services and functions. In Site sections where the user’s personal data are collected, specific information is published pursuant to Art. 13 /15 of Reg. UE 2016/679.
Your consent will be asked for before processing your personal data where provided for in Reg. EU 2016/679. If you provide personal data of third parties, you must ensure that the communication of the data to ASCOM BERGAMO CONFCOMMERCIO and the subsequent processing for the purposes specified in the applicable privacy policy complies with Reg. EU 2016/679 and applicable legislation.
2) Data controller’s identification

ASCOM BERGAMO CONFCOMMERCIO Via Borgo Palazzo, 137 -24125- Bergamo, tel. 035 4120111, e-mail: info@ascombg.it

3)Type of data processed
Browsing data and cookies as specified below. In addition to the so-called ‘browsing data’ (see below), personal data voluntarily provided by the user when interacting with the Site’s functions or requesting to use the services offered on the Site may be processed. In compliance with the Privacy Code, ASCOM BERGAMO CONFCOMMERCIO may also collect your personal data from third parties in the course of its business. For any collection of further data via the contact form, please refer to the privacy policy.

4) Cookies and browsing data
The Site uses ‘cookies’. By using the Site, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Cookies are small files stored on the hard disk of the user’s computer. There are two macro-categories of cookies: technical cookies and profiling cookies.
Technical cookies are necessary for proper website operations and to allow the user to browse; without them, the user may not be able to view pages correctly or use certain services.
Profiling cookies have the task of creating user profiles in order to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user while browsing.
Cookies can also be classified as:
_ ‘session’ cookies, which are deleted immediately when the browser is closed; ‘persistent’ cookies, which remain in the browser for a certain period of time. They are used, for example, to recognise the device connecting to a site by facilitating authentication operations for the user; _ ‘first party’ cookies, generated and managed directly by the operator of the website on which the user is browsing;

_ ‘third-party’ cookies, generated and managed by parties other than the operator of the website on which the user is browsing.


Cookie Settings

Cookie Settings

The Site may contain links to other sites (so-called third-party sites). ASCOM BERGAMO CONFCOMMERCIO has no access to or control over cookies, web beacons and other user tracking technologies that may be used by third party sites that the user may access from the Site; ASCOM BERGAMO CONFCOMMERCIO has no control over the content and materials published by or obtained through third party sites, nor over the manner in which the user’s personal data is processed, and expressly disclaims any liability for such eventualities. The user is required to check the privacy policy of third-party sites accessed through the Site and to inform him/herself of the conditions applicable to the processing of personal data. This Privacy Policy applies only to the Site as defined above.

6) How to disable cookies in browsers

Internet Explorer To block cookies in click on the gear icon in the top right-hand corner and select Internet Options from the menu that appears. Select the Privacy tab in the window that opens and click on the Advanced button. At this point, tick next to the Replace automatic cookie management item and select the Block option under both the Web Site Cookies and Third Party Cookies items

Google Chrome Click on the Menu button in the top right-hand corner and select Settings from the menu that appears. Click the Show Advanced Settings item at the bottom of the page that opens and click the Content Settings button. Tick the box next to Prevent sites from setting data to prohibit cookie use on sites you visit directly and/or next to Block third-party cookies and site data to prevent third-party sites from saving cookies on your computer.

Firefox To disable cookies in Mozilla Firefox, click on the Menu button in the top right-hand corner and select Options from the menu that appears. Go to the Privacy tab in the window that opens, set the History Settings drop-down menu to Use custom settings and un-tick the Accept cookies from sites option. If you only want to block cookies for third-party sites, set the Accept third-party cookies drop-down menu to Never.

Safari If you are using a Mac, select the Preferences item from the Safari menu (top left), go to the Privacy tab and tick the Always Block item.

7) Personal data retention
Personal data is stored and processed through IT systems owned by ASCOM BERGAMO CONFCOMMERCIO managed by ASCOM BERGAMO CONFCOMMERCIO or by third party technical service providers;

8) Purposes and methods of data processing
ASCOM BERGAMO CONFCOMMERCIO may process the user’s common personal data for the following purposes: site service and function users, management of requests and reports from its users, sending newsletters, management of applications received through the Site.
Personal data is processed electronically and entered into the company’s information system in full compliance with EU Reg 2016/679, including security and confidentiality profiles, and inspired by the principles of fair and lawful processing. In accordance with EU Reg 2016/679, data is retained for 10 years.

9) Security and quality of personal data
ASCOM BERGAMO CONFCOMMERCIO undertakes to protect the security of the user’s personal data and complies with the security provisions laid down by the applicable legislation in order to prevent loss of data, illegitimate or unlawful use of data and unauthorised access to the same, with particular reference to the Technical Regulations on minimum security measures. Furthermore, the information systems and computer programmes used by ASCOM BERGAMO CONFCOMMERCIO are configured in such a way as to minimise the use of personal and identification data; such data is only processed to achieve the specific purposes pursued from time to time. ASCOM BERGAMO CONFCOMMERCIO uses multiple advanced security technologies and procedures to facilitate the protection of users’ personal data; for instance, personal data is stored on secure servers located in protected and controlled access locations. The user can help ASCOM BERGAMO CONFCOMMERCIO to update and keep their personal data correct by communicating any changes to their address, job title, contact information, etc.

10) Scope of communication and access to data
Your personal data may be communicated to:

  • all persons to whom the right of access to such data is recognised by virtue of regulatory provisions;
  • to our collaborators, employees, within the scope of their duties;
  • to all those natural and/or legal, public and/or private persons when such communication is necessary or functional for the performance of our business and in the manner and for the purposes set out above;

11) Nature of provision of personal data
The provision of certain personal data by the user is compulsory to enable the Company to manage communications, requests received from the user or to contact the user to follow up on requests. This type of data is marked with an asterisk [*] and in this case the provision of such data is obligatory in order to allow the Company to process the request, which, if not provided, cannot be fulfilled. Conversely, the collection of other data not marked with an asterisk is optional: failure to provide such data will have no consequences for the user.
The provision of personal data by the user for marketing purposes is optional and refusal to provide such data will have no consequences. The consent given for marketing purposes shall be deemed to extend to the sending of communications by both automated and traditional methods and/or means of contact.

12) Rights of the data subject

According to the Regulation (Art. 15-22), the data subject may exercise the following rights vis-à-vis the data controller/controllers:

  • Access Rights: The data subject has the right to access personal data concerning him or her that is being processed in order to verify whether his or her personal data is being processed in accordance with the law.
  • Right to Rectification: The data subject has the right to have any inaccurate or incomplete information about him/herself corrected, in order to ensure the accuracy of that information in accordance with the purposes of the processing.
  • Right to Cancellation: You have the right to request that the data controller delete your information and no longer process such data
  • Right to Restrict Processing: The data subject has the right to request that the data controller limits the processing of his/her data.
  • Right to Data Portability: The data subject has the right to receive personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to transmit such data to another data controller.
  • Right to object to processing: The data subject has the right to object to the processing of data in the cases provided for by the GDPR, at any time and without having to justify his or her decision.
  • Right not to be subject to automated decision-making processes: The data subject shall have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing of his or her data, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning him or her or significantly affects him or her in a similar way.

The data subject also has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.

13)Withdrawal of consent to processing

If the processing is based on consent, pursuant to Art. 7 of EU Regulation 2016/679, the data subject has the right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing carried out prior to the revocation, by sending an email stating ‘REVOCATION OF CONSENT’ in the subject line to the following email address: info@ascombg.it.

If you wish to obtain further information on the processing of your personal data, or if you wish to exercise your rights under point 12 above, you can send an e-mail to the following address info@ascombg.it Before we can provide you with or change any information, we may need to verify your identity and have you answer a few questions. A reply will be provided as soon as possible.